Democrats involved in Pizzagate - Fall of cabal
Here 's a pretty important site that I believe is highly relevant at the moment. Yes it's about the election and I'm not even from America. So check this video out. It's about Pizzagate , involving democrats and human trafficking . I believe the only reason it's been swept under the rug and not available anywhere on mainstream tube sites / news is because it's real. Celebrities know about this but there's something prohibiting them from telling the truth I don't even know what it is but there is somthing. Here's the documentary
Janeet Ossebaard died under a misterious suicide by the way. She's not the only one
Here's the foo fighters performing for the Obamas. Now I'm no expert in body language but as an empathy I can feel the sarcastic "Mr president, your my other hero". I would be pushing it if I say it's clear but those laughs are a mockery. I know it's hard to see from the outside.
Several celebrities have died fighting abuse and human trafficking. Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell to name the most obvious. Avicii also . Here's his most risky music video :
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